A week before I traveled to Rays, a couple buddies of mine and I succeeded in accomplishing a first for each of us.
For me, the little guy in the center, it was my first longbow kill. 60# Mattawoman II, GT 55/75 with 100 grain brass, 200 grain Razorcap.
My buddy Timmy Coverdale (guy with the glasses)got his first deer with a bow. It was a compound kill, but he did it from the ground and after spending the week in the hospital with two blood clots in his lungs. He's a trad hunter in the making as he purchased my older Widow MA from me last year. The 62" length is perfect for his long monkey arms (lol). He's good enough to be using it now.
Scotty Hague (shorts guy) took his first deer with a recurve. He used a 50# PSE, a 2117, and an ACE Standard. I don't think he'll pick up a compound ever again. Since his wife got him the recurve, the old Hoyt hasn't moved. The only problem I have is keeping him in arrows.