In my area, it seems that more and more private land is posted. Either no hunting is allowed at all or hunting permission is very restricted. A recent trend is that the land is leased to just a few hunters. This confines the bulk of the hunters to public lands and private lands where hunting is still allowed.
Studies have shown that if you get 1/4 mile or more away from the nearest road or trail that can be accessed by vehicles, you will start to lose most of the other hunters. They say many hunters don't like to stray too far from their vehicle for fear of getting lost or not being able to walk very far or simply not wanting to walk. One of these researchers suggested that you take your topo map and shade in a 1/4 mile buffer zone along each side of all such roads. The unshaded areas left between the roads would be considered sanctuary areas for deer when pressured by hunters. Your strategy would be to hike back into the thick cover very early and be waiting there when the other hunters move the deer toward you.
This strategy doesn't seem to apply to most of my hunting areas, which are mostly small woodlots, well broken up by county roads, farm roads and pastures you can easily drive through. It should work in large forested areas though.