seems i'm hearing yes and no from north to south. i live and hunt in southwest oiho, i saw a few in early sept. squirrel hunting, got excited, now it's the third week of bow season and i had to look hard to find a couple new ones. normally i start to see scrapes around crop fields by now, the 15th of oct., but none. i'm getting a little concerned, 2 weeks till the end of oct., i have two guys coming from alabama to hunt with me the first week in nov. because i told them that's when we need to be in our stands all day. it's been the case for years. here around cincinnati they say, just wait an hour and the weather will change again. there are some that still believe when the first frost comes the rut will kick in. could they possibly be right? we're still wearing shorts. the lord knows my white legs would make the ruttingness buck go nocturnal. ha! i think it's been proven daylight hours and moon phase is what determines the rut, that only changes a day or two each year. any debates or arguments? i need someting to get my blood pumpimg. just joking, that fist shooter buck, a scrape, or grunt, will be enough. we all know the big boys won't show themselves until it's time. it's coming, just as christ return, we just have to be ready.