Ooh Raa Marine! Are you hunting Quantico? I learned to hunt there as a kid over 40 years ago. There are a lot more deer there now than there used to be back then. I have not hunted there in ten years or so because it got to be a hassle for a retired guy to draw a tag for the areas I wanted to hunt. Ft. Belvoir, which is just up the road from you, has some good archery only hunting. You have to sit in one of their all-day classes and then take a proficiency test to hunt there. I have done both but never hunted there, but some of my friends who do claim it is pretty nice. I'm sure you would want someone younger than me to hang out with and I doubt I could keep up with you. Most of my hunting is on small private land in Fairfax County or down closer to The Wilderness Battlefield.