I got to go on a mid day scouting trip with Illianabowhunter67 today. I knew he was off on vacation and I just happened to have no work scheduled for October, November, or December
So it didn't take much arm twisting to get him to tag along!
We met at "the hog barn", a parking area on some public land, with the intentions to harrass squirrells and do some mid day scouting for deer.
We weren't 75 yards form out parking spot when I caught movement and spotted several turkeys about 30 yards away! We had tags in our pockets but unfortunately they had seen us first and moved out into a CRP field and disapeared.
As we climbed a ridge 100 yeards later I spotted two Deer about 20 yards over the crest of the ridge in some thick stuf. They had heard us coming evidently because they slipped of into the brush just seconds after I saw them............
Squirrels were not cooperating but we did find a few small rubs up on the ridge.
As we worked our way along the edge of another CRP field I saw a big white oak ahead on the edge of the field where an old lane cut down a ridge. The spot has always held deer sign in the past and we had to check it out.
It was dropping big acorns like crazy and sure enough the deer had been scooping them up!
There were several rubs and 6 scrapes in the general area it looked pretty good.
It didn't take us long to set up a little ground blind there as there was a brushpile just dieing to become a blind!
Thats a shot from the back of the brushpile looking towards the old lane.
Here is what a deer would see!
That little blind will be great on a north wind! Their was back cover added after the picture was taken.
We never did get into any squirrels today but we did find several areas that need to be hunted real soon and killed a few stumps! All in all a good day with a good freind. Now if I could just get out of going to the soccer game this evening! Oh well I'll be back out there in the morning!
Thanks for coming along and have a great hunt!