I have the clear shot - same thing except triangle seat instead of square - get the bungee's off and put the stirrups on instead (you kind of hook your feet in and it's more secure. This is a hand climber stand and if your over weight don't get it (large people have trouble with hand climbers) I've had mine for 6 years and has worked well, I replace the cables every 2-3 years, they get worn. Last year the seat squeeked when I folded it up to and blew my chance at a doe. I don't think this stand is the safest on the planet, I suppose you could loose the base as you climb and be hosed (it has a rope that attaches them together but if it falls what good is the rope). I use the Wolf Alpha hang on with the steps and prefer it, any tree works - the summit likes some bark and a pretty straight tree for it to hold firm (mine slipped a few inches last time I used it). I'm 46 and still use it but my days are numbered with that stand. That is my review hope it helps