I was still hunting this morning along a rim of a ridge that the elk like to come up and bed on. I had been hunting for several hours and only seen two sets of tracks in the snow. One lone track that looked like a big bull track and one set of a cow and calf. Both sets were from yesterday evening. I had almost made it back to the truck when I notice and elk's hind quarter coming my way and very close. It had maybe 4 steps and would be in a shooting lane so I started to draw just before it walk through the opening. Then my heart sank as I seen it was a spike and I only have a cow tag.
I had worked my butt off during the regular bow hunt and just could'nt get it done. I had a couple of close calls with bulls during that hunt and now I get that easy chip shot at 10 yrds.
He stop and looked at me not really knew what I was,even with all the hunter orange on. He then slowly walk back down the ridge were he had just came from.