The shipping costs vary according to what sort of deals a bowyer has with shipping companies, or whether a seller gets lucky with an overlength bow being accepted by UPS and then by Australia Post. There are stories where people got lucky with the latter, and the bow made it through cheaply. Howard Hill Archery has one of the best shipping deals for longbows to Australia, via FedEx, at US$115. Black Widow uses UPS at US$95. These are super low shipping prices, and I've had good luck with both these companies. Other bowyers or private sellers don't have the same deal, so shipping can be around US$220 via either FedEx or UPS. I'm talking about one-piece bows, obviously. I've learned not to worry too much about shipping costs for a good bow that I really fancy, and the cost of shipping is soon forgotten, anyway, when the bow makes a memory. While I'm on the topic, for awhile I thought that 52" recurves like the Kodiak Magnum could be made to fit the requirements for UPS for a cost of around US$60; however, I was wrong; it just so happens that I got lucky with them accepting a couple.