I do not claim to be a biologist. I can only make my statement based on observation. I have hunted in a couple states where I have seen both hogs and deer and not seen a problem. However, that being said, do care for the well-being of our farmers. I believe all feral hogs should be shot on site and will do that. I will even use a rifle if needed. I would also like to know more about the danger that hogs pose to the habitat. I do know that the MDNRE is aware of this population because we have been contacted about putting traps for them on our family property. I looked the link to the map showing sightings and kills, I can't hardly think that is acurate. I have only went looking for them twice and found hogs. I also want to include that there is a "Game Ranch" less than 10 Miles from or land, that is believed to be the source or these critters. I guess fences don't work so well do they.