I will tell you what I like about mine ,When you put the band around the tree It comes right back to where it's supposed to ,And it is bright orange and yellow so when you put it down the tube You can see where it is at in dark pretty easy ,It is also the same shape as the tube,So there is no twisting or turning of it ,It always lines up .And I was freaking out about the spikes on it !!!,But I've used mine for two years and have had no damage to trees ,And the important thing ,No damage to me !
The stands stays where you put it ,The last time I was up in mine I was in it for 6 hours ,Now I don't recommend this but I did it unknowingly ,I heard a deer coming from behind me I stood on the edge of my platform on one side ,And all the sudden I realized it ,And then I saw my platform wasn't Moving or slipping ,I thought to myself what a great stand .Call up and talked to Dan,I purchased the one that has everything ,I've got the gun rail ,The reason I got it is because you can take in use it facing the tree ,I also got the chill pad ,I can't say enough about the stand it's really great ,And really talk to them about being a sponsor on here .
My wife calls it the non-Huff & Puff Treestand
The first time I went up in mind I took it to the same height I had a platform and used lone wolf sticks I had to stop halfway before I put on the last stick ,And when I got to the top on the platform I was huff & Puffing ,
When I use the Treewalker to the same distance and same tree my wife said
"You better keep that one you're not Huffing & Puffing! "