I just received, but haven't tried yet, some Climb Paws. I'm very impressed with the looks of them. I don't like the weight/bulk of sticks, can't use screw-in's, and have read too many horror stories about steps. The Climb Paws will fit in a smallish pack, are not heavy, don't make noise, and they even offer something called TOP PAWS, angled Paws for the top row for use with Treesuits etc, gotta be easier on the feet than steps. I think it will be just what I wanted for use with my Treesuit or Hang-on stand. I believe Mitc-in-NJ mentioned he was using them, maybe he will chime in with a better review. They are not sponsors here, so you'll just need to do a search to find their site. They have some nice videos showing their use.