This is what one must be able to accept with any kind of bow hunting. I am sitting in a tree and thinking to myself, wouldn't it be great if I shot a huge buck today. The last and also the first deer I shot with a trad bow was in 1996 when I first started to hunt, it was a doe. I spined her and had to get down and do what everyone of us would have done in the same situation. I switched to a wheeler so that would never happen again, or so I thought.
I put the treestand in today and was sitting there scanning the area constantly because it was so windy. Low and behold there he is 15 yds. from my tree, the biggest buck I have ever had a chance at, or do I ? He is standing there looking away from me next to a tree which had fallen but was still alive and growing horizontally with all the branches going vertical loaded with leaves. NO SHOT, I'm watching him rub the branch of his choice and I can't do anything. Then he takes a step which opens a small tiny opening, and I think to my self, I can make that shot. No sooner do I think this, when he starts to walk away very slowly.
Oh well, there is always tomorrow.