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Author Topic: Modify Lone Wolf hand climber seat  (Read 651 times)

Offline warden415

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Modify Lone Wolf hand climber seat
« on: October 19, 2010, 05:56:00 PM »
Does anyone have a good modification for a Lonewolf hand climber to make the seat more comfortable? Either changing out the seat altogether or modifying the existing one? I have read where you supposedly can fold the seat up while standing, but I sure cant figure it out?? Once the cinch straps are pulled down tight, it wont budge up for me? Steve

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Re: Modify Lone Wolf hand climber seat
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2010, 06:14:00 PM »
I have a hand climber and three lock ons. I  got some really nice gel foam cushions at bass pro then glued them to th lone wolf pads with contact cement and strapped the on with big zip ties. It makes a huge difference . Never heard that you can flip the seat up on the hand climber but it would be nice but I can't see how.

Online Burnsie

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Re: Modify Lone Wolf hand climber seat
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2010, 06:57:00 PM »
When Lone Wolf first came out, they didn't have the cinch down straps (glad they do now, much more secure).  You would take the bungie cord that you use to hold the two halfs together when packing it in and wrap it around the tree and connect the ends to each side of the seat.  This would hold the hand climber unit inplace so it wouldn't slide down the tree when the seat was flipped (the littel hook thing, came in handy for hanging stuff on also).  Since retrofitting mine with the cinch straps I have not tried flipping up the seat,  but I stand in mine for hours anyway.
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Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Online Burnsie

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Re: Modify Lone Wolf hand climber seat
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2010, 07:11:00 PM »
I was hoping Curt would find that thread and bring it back up.  Not sure it will work with the cinch straps in place though??  Do you use the straps Curt?
"You can't get into a bar fight if you don't go to the bar" (Grandma was pretty wise)

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Re: Modify Lone Wolf hand climber seat
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2010, 07:31:00 PM »
No I don't use the cinch straps, I don't have them on my old stand.

I've tied the newer version, I like the extra length of the platform, and would like to get a newer stand very soon when I find the right deal.

But I'd still use it the way I use this one. I like flipping the seat up so I can get tight to the tree I'm in if need be.  

I also like having the extra room to shoot without the seat in the way.
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline Conan 1883

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Re: Modify Lone Wolf hand climber seat
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2010, 09:10:00 PM »
Cool lookin' stand set-up, Guru.  What do you do with your bow when you're up in the stand?
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Offline wihill

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Re: Modify Lone Wolf hand climber seat
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2010, 10:12:00 PM »
Best money I ever spent on my LWHC was to replace the seat with a Hunt Comfort pad.

I still can't believe I spent that much on a seat pad, but man oh man is it worth every penny.  I got the one that's 3" thick with the areo gel.  

No problems at all sitting for the long haul with it, I recommend it to anyone who's rear goes to sleep after an hour...

Curt's trick with the bungee cord works great too - I had to switch to a bigger bungee cord as we've got some big trees out there.  I also don't bother collapsing the stands anymore, I just leave the base locked open, and hang the seat over the arms with the pad facing into the stand base.  Then use the bungee to hold the seat tight to the base - makes a little pocket that can hold a bag as the seat becomes a shelf.

A lot less tinkering when you get to your tree too!  Unhook the bungee, open the latches and get the stand on the tree!
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