I know how we all luv to talk wolves…8^)
Received this via e-mail today along with three pictures of the dead wolf, although I don't know how to post pix here.
Am guessing captive released, but will be interesting to learn where they came from:
Thought these pics might interest some of you. It's something different anyway, and unlike so many email pictures and accompanying stories, this one's true. Brian Bury, quoted below, is the Sandusky County Wildlife Officer.
Well, after at least a dozen calls about "a pack of wolves", here's what was shot today. Two more got away. This was a large male, at least 100 lbs. They have been covering about a 10 mile area the last few days. The guy is going to have it mounted. So for those of you that get the cougar, lion, tiger, panther calls, I guess anything is possible.
Brian Bury
Timothy J. Rourke
Wildlife Officer
Wildlife District Five
1076 Old Springfield Pike
Xenia, OH 45385
[email protected]"