Wanted to give some ideas to all you guys out there.I just read an article on wasting unused parts after taxidermy was complete. Keep all leather, fur, claws, etc. leftover. If you get a head mount, tan the whole hide and keep whatever is left. You can always make something cool out of it. I make quivers, armguards, tabs,knifesheaths, possibles bags,etc. for myself, my boys and hunting partner out of the backhides leftover from half, shoulder mounts of tons of animals from all over.
This is just one, my friend shot a Kudu and an Eland in Africa. A half mount and shoulder mount. He had the eland backhide tanned into the brown leather used at the top of the quiver and for the lacing. The kudu backhide was used for the rest. He couldn't shoot a warthog to save his life so I threw a tusk on there out of pity. African porcupine quills, and guinea hen feathers topped it off. The stitching is the only component not from Africa.
Use your imagination and make some cool stuff this winter out of the game you shoot.
Lets see some pics of your stuff to give everybody ideas out here.