I always carry 4-5 paper towels folded up in my back pocket for such an emergency. I found out a long time ago that wiping on leaves, bark, dirt, and small saplings is kinda ruff on the rear end. I can usually make it back to camp or at least to the truck, but not always. Dad's camp chili will send anybody screaming for the fence line at 8am on opening morning, so I've learned to carry some of my own food with me and skip the chili gut assault the night before.
I've "layed traps" within 50 yards of my tree stand many times and never once had deer pay any attention to it. They smell all kinds of animal dung so I don't think they pay much attention to it. Ever been real close to a fresh cow pile? That is about as bad as my worst trap ever was and deer walk right past it.....probably holding their breath......but they don't spook from it.