Well… without seeing your setup or knowing any real details about your area, all suggestions are simply blind suggestions. Here’s what comes to mind.
Originally posted by adkmountainken:
heres the situation. i am hunting an area with a lot of deer who seem to have me patterened, they stopped using the run they had used the first couple years. they are going around me through THICK stuff.
How often are you hunting the same spot? Do you have the option to set other stands?
Which way are the deer moving and why are they moving that way? Enter your stand from the opposite direction of their movement.
Are they going to food or going to their bedding area? Why “were” they using the trail that you are hunting?
Are you setup in their bedding area? Your description makes it sound that way.
Can you block all of the other trails they are using and force them to pass where you want them to pass?
Originally posted by adkmountainken:
the problem is getting there! this stuff is THICK and NOISY! no way around and i'm forced to walk the deer trail to get to it. no doubt i will see deer but unless i walk the same trail i am to hunt which is still very noisy there is no way to get to it. any ideas
Why is there no way around? Is this ground surrounded by private land that you can’t get permission to walk on for access purposes only?
If this area is so difficult to get to why not move to another spot and try to funnel the deer to you?