Need some advice from all of you whitetail hunters. I had a trip planned to go back to Nebraska for whitetails at the end of the rifle season, lapping into the re-opening of archery season just before Thanksgiving. This should coincide with the tail end of the rut. The hunt is on private property with little pressure from rifle hunters, so that isn't too much of a factor. Got online to buy my license and find out that the archery license isn't valid during the rifle season. There is a way around it by buying a statewide tag that is valid all of the way through, but I'd have to shell out over $500 for it--not my first choice. So, with scheduling conflicts, my other option is to go back and hunt mid-December (keep in mind I'm from northern CA and not used to single digit temps). My friend in NE says the bucks will be coming in like clockwork to food sources trying to rebuild fat reserves after the rut. I've never hunted the end of the rut or December, what is your opinion? I'll have a buck tag and a pocket full of doe tags. And oh,the property is ag (cut corn by then) with excellent timber and bedding cover.