Thanks everyone. Just in the right place at the right time.
To answer some questions:
Roy, about 300 lbs. boned out on this one.
Marc, Curt, I think they are about 580 gr. total. I've been using this arrow combo a few years and can't remember what the numbers were when I put everything together. As long as it flies good I don't care. I draw 29". They have about 330 up front. I use 4-4" feathers, fletched 75-105. Arrow went in to the fletch. (Enough-dead is dead) Arrow went in mid body thru last few ribs and stopped at a rib behind opposite leg. I've had to drop down to this bow because of arthritis in my shoulders bugging me. Plus I figure come snow and cold it won't be such a strain. Hey I used to shoot 75# for everything back in my prime.
This is the first time I have left an arrow in a Moose. The five pounds I dropped may have been the difference but I wouldn't hesitate to shoot one again.
We had a guy in our trad club kill a P&Y Bull a few years back with a 41# Recurve and the arrow was sticking out the other side.
And yeah its always fun when you see a Moose close from a deer stand which can be any time around here.
Tim, You would be hanging out quite a bit. Its all about camera angle.
Thats only 35" spread.
Troy, 60". I don't know why it looks so long. Our Moose aren't that big.
Phil, its a Moose not an Elk. :D