it's been 3+ years since i last posted here. it's also been 3+ since i've hunted because of health issues. i am happy to say that i am again hunting. i can no longer do the tree stands so i ordered a double bull darkhorse recurve blind. it came today. i was understandably excited to try it out. it was too dark set it up outside. i wasn't concerned with the lack of light so much. it was the bear traps that my dog had set. i watched the setup video a few times and attempted to open it up in the dining room. it is not as easy as the video shows. after wrestling with it for a while and going back and forth to the video to see what i had missed, i finally was able to pop the first wall up. i think the fabric is a little tight when new. the next step involves crossing the hubs and lifting the blind over your head then popping the roof into place. stupid ceiling fan, i never liked it anyway. i guess i'll practice setting it up and taking it down in the yard tomorrow. i'll see how i do on saturday when i finally get back out.