Tim - “Snow already? My thoughts are; It’s abut time we got some snow, it came late this year.
Snag - No kitties with this bow, just 6-8 eight deer and a bison.
Everybody, thanks again for the complements. I do love hunting in the snow, it absorbs many of the sounds and makes for a quiet, peaceful, and relaxing hunt. Also, it can make a bad photographer like myself look decent.
I received few of questions regarding how the back of the bow was camo-ed, so here is how it was done: Finished the bow with eight-ten coasts of tru-oil, hunted with it for a couple of years and decided it was to shinny after spooking a couple of critters (at times I’m a slow learner). I spray painted the back with the cheapest (99 cents) flat black paint I could find, then five minutes later took 220 grit sand paper to the newly applied paint until it looked good and I thought would work. Note, though I did rough up the tru-oil, I did not sand trough the finish.