I guess maybe I take too much for granted, but I used to say I was going squirrel hunting for deer.
My father, uncles, and grandfather taught me this when I was just a pup years ago. Where you find squirrels you will find hard and soft mast....acorns, beech nuts, hickory nuts, persimmons, ect.
They basically all eat the same food, turkeys also. Turkeys love acorns and other hard mast that they can swallow easily to be ground up in their gizzard, but they are also where the biggest, juiciest grass hoppers are.
I'm glad you made the connection, and sorry that nobody ever clued you in on that.
Although it doesn't always mean that just because there are a ton of squirrels in an area that there are also a ton of deer, but it's a good place to take a closer look around and it sounds like you did just that.
A good solid indicator that deer are actively feeding in that particular area is droppings. Where you find lots of piles of milk duds is where you are almost guaranteed to see deer. Also look for deer beds nearby. Remember to move with the food if you have enough ground to do so. One day they may be working an oak ridge, then 4days to a week later they may be working a cut soybean field, then a month later they may be hitting the clover fields. You need to be able to move with the food to stay on them.
Good Luck!