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Author Topic: x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.  (Read 828 times)

Offline ishiwannabe

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x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.
« on: November 15, 2010, 06:44:00 AM »
Im in the process of upgrading my gear. I had a chance to check out the new x-1 stand this weekend. I was impressed. However, 12 years of having a Summit bushmaster have me leaning towards the openshot.

If you have or have used one of these, please give me the honest opinion.

For instance, I used a lonewolf hand climber for the first time this weekend. Simple operation. HATED that the seat was immobile once the stand was set. A bit awkward to climb with, but im sure that improves with practice. I liked the quiet operation and how the stand locked up on the tree. Don't like the pricetag though.

Im also open to other stands with similar features, so if ya know of one, suggest it. Here are the specs. Under 15 lbs. Quiet set up/operation. Secure one placed. Packable. Fold flat, semi flat. Comfort.

Let's here your input. Thanks.
"I lost arrows and didnt even shoot at a rabbit" Charlie after the Island of Trees.

Offline Chris Surtees

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Re: x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2010, 08:38:00 AM »
The Open Shot is a great stand. If I did have such bad shoulders I would have never sold mine...just kills me to climb with a non sit-n-type stand Tried to talk to Summit about a strap like the Lone Wolf uses but that did not result in much. Anyway if you can swing it I would buy an Open Shot top with a standard platform. The Open Shot platform is a little small but still nice...the larger platform makes this stand even better.

Since you have already been using a Bushmaster you know that it is a nice stand and the Open Shot is even better with the flip up seat. Basically everything you have experience with your Bushmaster you will experience with the Open Shot. The big difference is the flip up seat and that is what makes the Open Shot that much better.

Cannot comment on the x-1 as this is the first time I have ever heard of one.

Best of luck with your decision.

Offline mooseman76

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Re: x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2010, 09:54:00 AM »
Can you buy just the openshot top?  I have the previous model (broadhead, I think) but cracked one of the welds on the seat section...Mike

Offline Chris Surtees

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Re: x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2010, 09:56:00 AM »
Yes...though the Summit website.

Offline ishiwannabe

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Re: x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2010, 10:26:00 AM »
Im leaning towars summit for sure. The weight of the X-1 is really making me think about it though. 11 or 12 pounds.

Thanks for the input Chris.
"I lost arrows and didnt even shoot at a rabbit" Charlie after the Island of Trees.

Offline babs

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Re: x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2010, 02:40:00 PM »
what is the x-1 they dont have them on the summit website? I use a cobra right now and I like it but dont like the side rails with my recurves. Would like to try a open shot
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Offline ishiwannabe

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Re: x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2010, 02:44:00 PM »
Babs, google it. It isn't made by summit. A new and very light design. There is also a video on the ytube. It shows the stand being very loud, but I talked to some seasoned bowhunters who use it and they said it is no worse than any stand they have used in the past, and even a bit quieter with the cable outstretched...
"I lost arrows and didnt even shoot at a rabbit" Charlie after the Island of Trees.

Offline babs

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Re: x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2010, 02:54:00 PM »
Ok I found it, I dont like how it packs and doesn't seem to grip tree really well. I like the weight though. I wish summit would make a open shot with a strap for sit and climb
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Offline eddings220

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Re: x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2010, 06:15:00 PM »
Just bought the open shot this year, no complaints at all. very light and easy to handle.
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Offline 59Alaskan

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Re: x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2010, 10:05:00 PM »
I just bought an Open Shot this year.  I really like it.  I sold my Viper to fund it.  I do wish I would've bought just the top to the Open Shot (you can do this on the Summit website).  

The base on the Viper (and other Summit climbers) is larger than the open shot, but the Open Shot is nice and light and quiet when hauling it around.  However, if I bought just the top I would still have the Viper if I wanted to use it and a larger base on the Open Shot top.

I do recommend the Open Shot, but it did take me a couple of times to get used to the seat.  I feel it was a good buy.  I am not a big fan of "folding" flat climbers.  Don't like the idea of all the moving parts.
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Offline ishiwannabe

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Re: x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2010, 07:30:00 AM »
Has anyone tried the X-1?
"I lost arrows and didnt even shoot at a rabbit" Charlie after the Island of Trees.

Offline ishiwannabe

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Re: x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2010, 06:56:00 AM »
Wow, not a single tradganger has tried the X-1 stand?!
"I lost arrows and didnt even shoot at a rabbit" Charlie after the Island of Trees.

Offline broketooth

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Re: x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2010, 07:03:00 AM »
jamie, all i got is a loggy bayou climber, i dont like using it for morning hunts, it just makes too much noise in the morning. we have some pretty thick swamp/woods, lots of under growth, which makes getting to the stand a challenge in the a.m. this is my first yr using a climber too so im learnin. im interested in what you find out obut these other stands. ive also been introduced to lock on stands, im leaning towards these for next season. ruddy
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Offline babs

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Re: x-1 or Summit open shot stand users....info please.
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2010, 12:44:00 PM »
I talked to summit and I asked them if I could buy a open shot top section and a titan bottom section and they said I could. So I'm gonna go that route the best of both worlds. I just like a little bigger platform thanks brad
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