I have 20 acres of mostly hardwoods and 30 acres of dog-hair thick cutover, in an L shape with a 5 acre lake on the short leg of the L. My relatives own the land adjoining on the north, bad neighbors to the east, and good neighbors with 120 acres of mixed woods and cutover to the south. West side is where my house is, by the paved road. I have 10 ladder stands on the uncut 20, and I can see the back porch light from three of them. One I can see from my office window when the leaves are off. I hunt the property very lightly, and never sit the same stand twice in a row. If I'm spotted (not just smelled) in one of my ladders, I move it 50 yards or so. If I spook deer going in, I back out and wait a while before trying again, usually the next day. That happened yesterday- I didn't even get past the septic system drain field. They go nocturnal with very little pressure, so I'm very cautious about spooking them too often. I'm not blessed with a high population, so I don't get many "strangers" on the property except when the rut gets them roaming. I could name most of the local deer.
I stay out of the center of the 20 acres except for a couple of scouting trips when the acorns start to fall to locate the best tress, and when the bucks start to rub and scrape in earnest. I access my stands by moving around the edges of the property to the closest, downwind point where I can get to the stand I've chosen without exposing myself or my scent to the main body of the property.
Sometimes it actually works!