As the others said, there is no substitute for spending time in the woods. However, you will increase the value of that time ten fold if you know what to look for when you are there. Sorry to inform you, but I haven’t found or seen a video that comes close to relaying information that some “good” books will. The three books that I learned the most from, and re-read most every year, are Come November by Gene Wensel, Treestand Strategies by Barry and Gene Wensel , and Rodger Rothhaar’s In Pursuit of Trophy Whitetails. Treestand Strategies is the most concise and least expensive source I have found for where, when, and why to put your tree-stand in a tree and how read the terrain and hunt any hunting area. You can usually pick up a copy by running a goggle search for less then ten dollars.
If you are after quality, deer hunting information you can’t beat these books. Buy some five-hour energy drinks and force yourself to read/study the information these books have, it will make your time more productive.