I have made some updates to our website and would like to ask people that are interested in our bows to please come check out the updates. Oh...one other thing. We do have a "discussion forum" now, but the purpose of our forum is NOT to compete with the big forums like Tradgang, as they do an excellent job of offering a level of camaraderie that way above and beyond what I would ever be capable of managing. Instead, the purpose for our forum is to be sure those that want to get a hold of me or wish to get my opinion on a matter know how to do so. Additionally, many more photos, as well as videos will be added over the next few weeks in our forum section. Videos will include demos of our bows and their performance, concepts of stable arrow flight, my views on bowstrings, and shooting techniques. Anyway, I hope you don't mind me asking you to check out our updates.
Thank you,
H. Lee Robinson