Lansing, Michigan Traditional Archery League starting back up in January has room for some additional shooters. To be held again at the brand new MSU Demmer Center shooting facility. If you have not shot at this facility it is state of the art, an incredible place to shoot! While we do keep score the focus of this league is not competitive but rather to keep our shooting/hunting skills sharp in a fun relaxing and safe environment.
Here are the details:
Monday nights at 6:00pm
First day - January 3, 2011
10 weeks. We will go longer if there is interest
Location - MSU Demmer Center, Jolly Road, Lansing
Shooting format will be 12 rounds of 5 arrows at varying distances out to 20 yards.
Traditional bows without sights
Any arrow material
Animal targets
Cost – Members of Demmer Center shoot free non-members pay $7 a night. There will also be a one time target fee of approximately $20.
If you are interested or have questions you can PM me or preferably send me an email at
[email protected]