I am sure there will be at least a 14 month wait for a Shrew. I have had a couple more on order for about a year and there are still a number of orders ahead of mine. There are a lot of people who want a Shrew and only one guy building the bows, so if you want a new one you have to wait. I waited two years for a Blacktail Snakebit and two and a half years for a Brackenbury Peerless, because Norm Johnson and Bill Howland are even more backed up and both of them also build all their own bows (the Snakebit and the Peerless were well worth the wait), so anything less than a year and a half sounds pretty good for a first class bow from a bowyer of Gregg Coffey's skill and reputation. It is hard to beat a Shrew. I have not seen another bow so light, short and handy that shoots as well. If you want a new Shrew, the best thing to do is get on the list so the time starts running.