On a recent thread somebody talked about "punching a tag" when they lost an animal.
Quite a few folks commented that such an action was commendable. I just consider it the right thing to do, not especially noteworthy. IMHO it probably ought to be standard procedure, but evidently it isn't.
But I'm pretty much a backyard type of deer hunter- my tags are resident tags and not expensive. I haven't built up preference points for yrs, saved thousands of dollars for an out of state hunt and burned precious vacation days or brownie points at home to hunt.
I wonder how many folks who practice "punching tags" on lost critters in a similar hunting sense as mine, would be so willing to "punch the tag" if they flubbed it on the first day of a 10 day ten thousand dollar out of state hunt?
Don't need any posts saying yes or no, proving one's personal ethics are "better" than anothers'...........just wanted to toss that out for folks to ponder within themselves.
If you already practice a lost animal is a punched tag when hunting less expensively and close to home..............would you practice it when dumping a bunch of time/money on a once in a lifetime trip?
Just something to think about, how some ethics may be relative.
Cheers, H