Something unusual was happening after I got some Victory HV 350 shafts w/ 400 gns up front tuned. Normally, as a target, I shoot a solid Styrofoam 1 ½” painted ball which is mounted on a light gage wire and extends ~8-10”s from the back stop.
When I directly strike the ball at 20 yards with some 25% EFOC 562 gn fletched arrows, the ball sometimes chips but typically deflects out of the way. Each time I directly hit the ball with the 32%+ 598 gn bare shafts, the arrow would stick in the ball. I have been shooting this same target type for some time and have never had one that actually stuck in the Styrofoam ball until now. I actually hit the same ball using the lighter and lower FOC fletched arrow set-up numerous times today and yesterday and they either deflected and/or or chipped a pc out of it as usual. The field points are identical with the exception of one being 200 gn’s and the other being 300 gns. Other field pt configurations with lower FOC arrows that I have used also deflected and/or chipped the ball while not once ever sticking in the ball.
I finally was able to shoot the fletched version and the 1st time I hit the ball it split in half- Another new one on me. The final fletched arrow weighs 608 grains(6.7 gpi shaft + 100 gn insert and 300 gn pt.) and has 32.4% Ultra-EFOC.
Thought some of you might possibly find this observation interesting.