String Follow and Reflex in Hill Styles
Current production Hllls have very minimal string follow or reflex, just enough to know it's there... unless you specify otherwise. As Craig says, it's not really that distinctive feeling in the shooting. I think the Robin Hood will have quite a noticeable amount more string follow.
Years back, Hills came with much more pronounced reflex or string follow. The old form I'm working on is in that style.

Here is a shot of an old, pretty severely reflexed Hill bow (very much like Howard's bow that I plan to build a form for and the form I'm working on right now) and my own first bow, which is a pretty strongly string follow. Now on these bows, you would definitely appreciate the differences in feel between reflexed, straight and string follow. The reflexed is going to be faster by about 5 fps, maybe a bit more, but will have a clearly stiffer pull vs. another bow of the same rated draw weight, because more stress is front loaded into the draw. It is probably also going to be felt more in the hand. The string follow will be slower but will be much smoother and easier drawing, more dead in the hand and less reactive to every break in form.
When I started building my own bows, I made a very conscious decision to build flat, on the theory that if both reflexed and string follow had avid fans and good points, going right in between couldn't be all bad! :^) That's worked out well for me. I'm pleased with my straight bows, but it's time to experiment more, so I've done a light weight reflexed ("Raven"... kind of awesome, really) and the Forward Scouts, which are still straight but shoot like string follows because of the severe forward riser, which moves the hand center forward of the limb tips just like string follow does. Two bows out I plan a reflexed Scout and I'm really looking forward to that, seeing if combining the string follow effect of the forward riser with some reflex can leave you with the best of both styles.