A few weeks ago there was a thread on successes with Smokey's Deer Lure. I had purchased some and stated in the thread that I was disappointed in the results I had. About a week later I received an email from Smokey with his phone number. He asked me to call and talk about his lures and how I used them and in general he wanted to be helpful. Well, after some phone tag we finally got to chat, about an hour's worth, and I learned a few things about how he uses his lure. He even sent me some more and we will continue to be in touch as time goes on to be sure I am doing things correctly.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I really appreciated his call. Not every sponsor on here or manufacturer of other products gives that kind of service and I thought that a public show of appreciation was in order. I still don't know if his products will work but I know that he is a man who stands by his products and has his customers' satisfaction at the forefront of his business (as it should be). The only other person who has ever made this kind of effort was Ron Schwartz of KME. It is good to know that there are at least a few still left who don't let their relationship with their customers or potential customers end with the receipt of payment for the product. Thanks to Smokey (and Ron) for their time and personal interest.