Ben Kleinig sent me a pm early today, suggesting a thought about remembering, honoring and paying homage to Trad Gang members who have passed on.
Here's a portion of Ben's pm ...
... the internet is here to stay, and so, hopefully, is TradGang. What I'm getting at is this TradGang thing will hopefully last longer than us current TradGangers. We never know when tragedy might strike one of us too early, and God-willing we'll all get called to rest eventually in the future when we've reached our alottment of four-score-and-ten, give or take a bit.
Now, I consider myself to be a bit of a historian-in-my-own-lunchbox, I value history, and I think that there would be immense value in having a special part of TradGang dedicated to remembering those of us who have passed-away.
It could be something as simple as a traditional bowhunting biography written by friends or family, as well as a few photos. Remembering Fred Bear and Paul Schafer is cool, and we have a spot for them, but the everyday TradGangers themselves are a huge part of the history of traditional bowhunting in modern times.
I think it'd be really cool for generations of unborn traditional bowhunting youngsters to know who we are (were) and what we do (did)."
I passed this by Terry and he remembered what I had forgotten, that we talked about doing this sometime in the past, at the initial suggestion of a Trad Gang member. Danged if either of us can remember just who that member is/was!
Anyhoo, we're gonna do this. It'll be a fairly monumental archival project of sorts. I just created a new category - "Happy Hunting Grounds" - and inside will be forums dedicated to members who are no longer earth-bound.
Terry and I need help.
If you were the person that sparked this project way-back-when, please contact me either via pm or email.
If you have further suggestions or want to volunteer your services, please let me know.