i'm currently frustrated with the flight of my arrows out of my 58" 54#@28" bob lee T/D recurve. they seem to do a tight spiral more times than they fly like a dart.
80%-90% of shoots land to the left of the aiming point too. i think this is mainly a form issue though.
bare shafts tend to land to the left of broadheads. this got me thinking that my shafts might be a tad stiff. however i shot them yesterday with a 90gr point right through to 425gr points with little difference in arrow flight. i even packed out the side plate about 1/4" and tried everything.....same, sometimes it would fly great other times it would have a little tail wag.
my brace height is set at 7 5/8". i tried 8 1/4" and noticed that i finally got a bit better bare shaft flight. the arrows seemed to fly a bit better, however it was getting dark and i only had a few shots at this setting.
what's your 58" lee T/D brace height?
so frustrating and it does nothing for confidence when you can't get your arrows flying great every shot. i gave a hunting trip a miss this weekend cause i just don't feel confident in my setup now. spending some time this weekend trying to get it right. hopefully!
hard to believe that i can change point weight so much a not notice much difference at all.
your thoughts?