My friends and I bought a bunch of Microflite #12's around 1980 at an outdoor show in Michigan from a vendor who was trying to unload them. I shot them for a number of years and they were very rugged. When I was getting low on them and switched back to wood arrows, I gave what I had left to Steve Turay since he's a great guy, bowyer and the only guy I knew at the time using heavy enough bows to use them. Microflite shafting makes a very good arrow. The straightness tolerance wasn't quite as good as aluminum, so many back in the day went with aluminum. Also, as Fred Asbell has written, there has been a heavy arrow/light arrow swing throughout the last fifty years in archery and I think the heavy Microflite shafting gave way to the lighter aluminum shafting in the eighties. The late eighties and early nineties seemed to be the resurgence of the wood arrow when traditional was starting to gain popularity again.