All my adult life I've reminisced about a Bear B Mag I shot for a couple of years from 1972-74. It was my brother's bow who went to Scotland for the Marines. He left the bow with me (RH, 51# @28"). I shot the bow a lot. I could hit a penny being held by my sister's favorite troll doll the width of my backyard 33 yards, without sights. (I thought instinctive but probably gap shooting). When my brother returned to the states I retured the bow to him and he sold it.
The father of a friend who worked for Bear some years ago has a stash of Lefty bears. He sold me an A Mag riser (new in the box) and a complete B Mag bow in the original Bear Camo pattern (grey with rust-red bursts)--like new. Now I'm shooting the bow. So far it appears my mind wanders at age 56 more than it did at 18!