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Author Topic: How do I keep my poly shirts from taking on BO?  (Read 1354 times)

Offline highpoint forge

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Re: How do I keep my poly shirts from taking on BO?
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2011, 11:10:00 PM »
Just switched to Merino wool midweight from Smartwool been in it two days now and it barely smells like anything. Comfy too.
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Re: How do I keep my poly shirts from taking on BO?
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2011, 11:56:00 PM »
Yup, quit wearing synthetics, there is NO advantage over wool and silk. The merino wools are softer, warmer or as warm, feel dryer, and insulate when wet. What to guides in the mountains wear...not synthetics!

Wool has natural antibacterial activity, no silver necessary. Look to Wool Power, Smart wool, etc.

Synthetics have their place, but using primarily wool and silk you should have less problems. Like you I sweat a lot and stink most of the time...usually from smelly hockey equipment and I use a few specific things now.  I use the Hunter's soap from 3 rivers, it is a natural oil soap, the oils fight bacteria and although it is refreshing smelling when you shower (nice odor), it is gone when rinsed and you don't get the weird clammy sweat that the scent killer type soaps leave you with later on. Also I use a scent killer type shampoo with conditioner without the antibacterial agent triclosan that is commonly found in some soaps. It is a known carcinogen and many hunting type products have it in them.  I get a really strange feeling on my skin when I use these products, kind of a clammy, smelly sweat...

For deodorant I use just unscented speed stick, it doesn't clump and fall off like the hunter brands, although I only use it during hunting season because again, the aluminum is known to cause alzheimer's disease.

With these few products, I know my scent volume is lowered, and I will wear the same undergarments without washing for several days on deer stands...and I put up and take down stands virtually every sit...unheard of with the hunting market products on every shelf. I notice a huge differene with my nose alone.

Online Hawkeye

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Re: How do I keep my poly shirts from taking on BO?
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2011, 11:02:00 AM »
Like NCH, I think Lavilin is the BEST defense out there.  It has no aluminum for those that are concerned with the Alzheimer's link possibility.  I have used it for 10 years, now, and can often make it two weeks or more before I need to reapply.  To a human nose, I smell like... NOTHING!

Paul Brunner introduced this product to the hunting market as "Pit Stop" back when he had the Screamin' Eagle catalog, and it is very good stuff.

That said, I have a couple merino tops I've used for years.  Was never willing to spend the $$$ on high-end polys that didn't feel or look right to me.

Good luck figuring it all out!
Daryl Harding
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Re: How do I keep my poly shirts from taking on BO?
« Reply #23 on: January 05, 2011, 11:08:00 AM »
Originally posted by Tree Rat:
Trade it for wool.
There's your answer....merino thermals is all I use for that reason and the fact that its warmer, and warmer if you sweat getting to your stand.

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Offline pernluc

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Re: How do I keep my poly shirts from taking on BO?
« Reply #24 on: January 05, 2011, 02:23:00 PM »
I wear a thin cotton t underneath. I dont care for the poly feel next to my skin and they do get to stinkin. This has worked for me.
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Offline ch1ch2

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Re: How do I keep my poly shirts from taking on BO?
« Reply #25 on: January 05, 2011, 05:22:00 PM »

Offline Sticks2117

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Re: How do I keep my poly shirts from taking on BO?
« Reply #26 on: January 05, 2011, 06:01:00 PM »
Thank every one for your suggestions I just ordered a Minus 33 mid weight shirt I'll let you know how it works out in a couple of weeks. Thanks again     :campfire:
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Re: How do I keep my poly shirts from taking on BO?
« Reply #27 on: January 05, 2011, 06:32:00 PM »
Wool is good stuff and doesn't smell... the only three downsides are 1) some people's skin reacts negatively to wool 2) the merino wool garments are way more expensive than equivalent poly garments 3) the merino wool garments wear out much faster than high quality poly garments.  
I now save my wool for hunting because I shred it too fast if I wear it all the time.

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Re: How do I keep my poly shirts from taking on BO?
« Reply #28 on: January 05, 2011, 10:18:00 PM »
Have to disagree with ya about wool wearing out. We have been wearing and washing our Ullfrotte now for 4 years and it looks new. Can't say that about our old military poly pro ! It pills up and shrinks like you would not believe after one year of washing and drying. I think if we washed it only it would do better, dryer is what wears it out. Skin side goes from nice soft and comfy to a totally different texture. Wool only for me now that I have seen the light. Wool...... God's miracle fiber !
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