2X on paper tuning, I also flight tune. What You do is go to a big open field and shoot a arrow in the sky. You will see it in paradox and them come out of it..
See how the tail is when flying. Start the shaft off full length and note how it flies, then change point weight and note. If tail is still flying the sameway, Cut shaft 1/4" re-taper and start over with light point and more up in weight.
Your Goal is for the arrow to come out of paradox ASAP. Once I have that done, I go right to paper to fine tune.. I start at 5 yards, when I get a close to a bullet or a bullet hole, I'll move back to 10, then 20 yards to make sure it is Good.
Yes, it takes some time doing it this way, but I find it works best for me. If You can't get to a field Just do paper test..