I spent about 6 hours at the ATA trade show this morning and early afternoon. I had several meetings and didn't get to look at many of the thousands of booths. However, I did go to the Bear booth..twice!
The new Bear Custom Kodiak is fantastic looking and even better in the hand! The charcoal riser with red strip and compass is very striking. The feel of the grip is a bit thicker than the Supreme which I think makes it perfect! I ordered a B Takedown with limbs and an A riser without limbs on my way home from the show. I hated to buy the limbs with the B bow (52#@28") but I don't want to be limbless for 10 months while I wait on my order from Rose Oak. These were RH so I didn't shoot them.
However they had a LH Super K with Green Glass. The bow felt great, was smooth drawing and I like the green glass. However, I wasn't that impressed with the Bubinga in the riser -- too mono-tone for this exotic wood lover.
I also watched lines of folks shooting foam disks from recurves with flu-flu arrows. The machine was a multi-stack thrower that cost $8,000 with 162 discs. The machine through a pair up at the same time and two archers shot together. Everyone got a big kick when someone drilled one. The machine is made in France and they are supposed to have a US distributor in a couple of months. If a club could afford such a machine it would be VERY popular.