Had this bow for a couple years now, and just now getting into its groove. Probably has more to do with that I've had a few days off work due to snow. This little buck bedded down ~50 yards from me. I waited for an hour or so to see if the big 8 point I saw at first light would return, no dice. I gave him about 3 soft bleats, and over he came. One arrow at 19 yards, he went down inside of 30 yards. Went after pigs in the local wilderness area yesterday, since the snow will soon be gone, and it was to be a perfect day for spot/stalk hunting, temps starting out at 18 deg, and up to 35. I snuck up for a close shot on this guy, only to have him decide to come my way quickly. I bowed my head to cover my face with my hat brim as he passed by at about 3-4 yards, he stopped for a few seconds to look, cant believe he didnt figure me out. I shot him at 20yds after he passed me, kind of a behind the back shot. Another double lung, down inside 75 yards.