The first time I ever saw the back edge of a broadhead sharpened was on a Rothhaar Snuffer. Perhaps Roger did that to his broadheads I don't remember for sure who's broadheads they were.
I did it to Zwickey Deltas shortly after that. Mostly I blew my arrows through whatever I shot so the trailing edge had no involvement. I gave up on it.
That's not to say that it might not be a bad idea if your arrows tend to stay inside the animal.
I see no negatives to it if that's what you chose to do. I think the safety issues are overstated here.
If you find you have a surge of power that makes you overdraw the bow then you might have a form problem or are shooting a bow that's too light in draw.
If you use the back of the broadhead for a draw check it might not be a good idea.