Been gone.
Without income dang near two years, but working again, good job but wondering if Im not too old for this crap LOL.
Exwife (still best friends) combating cancer all of 2010, and sigh......restarted again last week.
One boy without a job, got him one. One boy losing his, plant closing.....arghhh.
Things been a bit tough? uh...that's an affirmative but the light in said tunnel is relit, flickering......but relit.
So back I come to TG.....only to find Gil has been selling off his super Bear bows and Ive missed em? Dang........guys, Im just SICK. :(
Lord, or have I forsaken thee? My heavens.
Both my Super Ks .....gone. Ah well. More bows always seem to pop up and always short of enough cash but danged if it AINT GOOD TO BE BACK LOOKING.
The TG has been missed.
Depression is a TERRIBLE thing and prayers that all of you do not, have not and will not face the same.
But.......just saying HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO TG! And God Bless You All!