my .02 worth....
I use english bridle leather, 8 - 10 oz. which is thick enough to hold it's shape and not collapse when reaching for an arrow, yet it is a very pliable leather. It conforms very well to the back, yet won't stiffen into that position like latigo and veg or chrome tan leather. I've seen veg & chrome tan quivers with a permanently molded bend in the middle of the quiver that makes it very hard to remove and insert arrows. David said it all very well. with a properly made and properly hanging quiver, A TRUE HILL STYLE, you won't need foam, fur top, or anything. I put a double layer of leather in the bottom 1/4" thick which stops broadheads, and a piece of shag carpet which doesn't soak up water and the points grip the carpet texture. However, when all your arrows are grouped together in the side of a Properly Hanging quiver, the fletching interlocks and the arrows don't move, rotate, make noise or anything. Guys with problem quivers aren't using a Properly made HILL STYLE QUIVER. There IS a difference......