'hybrid' longbows - those with some, or a lot, of snake in the unbraced limbs - are closer to recurves and will work well in shorter bow lengths with longer draw lengths. longbows that are 'hill style', with backset, string follow or dead straight limbs will almost always require much longer limbs for a smooth draw. most bowyers give bow length/draw length recommendations for their offerings. in the long run, when in doubt, my strong advice is to go longer in length for any longbow. if you have a 26" draw, and the longbow was to be used for both hunting and competitive 3d/target, 60" would be the shortest and probably better with a 62" bow length. longer limbs are more stable, more 'forgiving' and typically lots more smoother on the draw. choose your limb core material wisely, too - i like real, solid bamboo or tonkin cane for maximum smoothness of draw.