For years I used an industrial vinyl lacquer, which required the manufacturer's thinner. It was specifically designed for aluminum and metal instruments. The local dealer was VanWaters Rogers. It had great coverage even with a thin coat. I think it was offered in light grey and white, the only negative. The local company changed or was sold. My supply dried up. You might find it by searching online, or with a paint company.
To clean shafts, I used what Easton recommended and the aircraft industry used, AJAX. Cheaper and better than anything else, use a paper towel Ajax and water, rinse and let dry. It etches, cleans and leaves no film. Do NOT use just any powdered detergent, they are not the same.
Ajax works great, just wear cotton gloves so when you handle the shaft, it doesn't pick up oil. Otherwise wash your hands with it before handling the shafts.
Bohning, it is a bit expensive, and toxic, but looks good and comes in a variety of colors, making it hard to beat.