I just wanted to say thank you to Stickhorse. He replied to an add I put in the classifieds for a cheap youth bow for one of the 4 H boys, said he would send one no charge. WEll, Today a new Samick youth kit showed up from 3Rivers, I was dumbfounded, since I expected a #30 used bow, but tickled to death for the kids. Just goes to show you guys what great folks hang out here.But hang on, read the rest of the story. The young man who I had been looking for a bow for, decided to quit 4H so he could play baseball in school, I understood but was bummed, especially after someone had donated a bow for him. Well this week, we had 2 practices, and a new girl, 13 showed up, and with a little coaching she shot the lights out in all 3 classes, but loved the recurve the most. 2nd practice she showed up with her 11 year old sister, who joined and shot as good as her big sister!Both liked the recurve better, but had limited time, due to sharing with other kids, and the bow they shot the best, was a greatree, nearly identical to the one Stichorse sent, same poundage!! Now I dont believe in coincedences, since nothing happens in Gods world by coincedence, but the rather turns out like it should, not like we want it to. Now he has touched 2 lives, and the girls will pass it on when they have outgrown it, to another youth in the club. Vermonster donated one to a young mand in the same club 3 years ago, it is now on its 3rd shooter! I had been bummed out by the young man dropping out, along with April 5th being the day I lost my 19 year old son 9 years ago, but this kind of stuff is the kind of pick me up that helps you get through bad times, and restores faith in your fellow man. Thanks to all tradgangers!