i went stumping today with the fiberglass camp bow loaded the bow up with kwiki clamp on full of arrows a whole 4 and my fluflus in my hip quiver just to see how it shot with all the stuff clamped to the bow and it shot great and had my best 3 shot at 20 yards to date and im almost computer stupid and cant figure the pic thing out could someone
post 2 pics if i email them
1 pass through 357+ rubber blunt 1 to the nock just 357 tip and a bouncer only rubber blunt im proud and want to share my $3 single man purse i got from goodwill worked great and it has a umbrella pocket and it works as a 3 or 4 arrow quiver also called in 2 turkey today as i sat in a blown down tree blind was great day in the woods if it was 2 weeks from now i might have got a big ol tom bird almost shot a ground hog but just watched it for a bit