I don't like to think of "recurves" and "longbows" as separate. I actually prefer the term..."bow."
When I chose to select what type of bow was best for me, I didn't think in boxes. Instead, I asked myself what traits I wanted in a bow...and then selected accordingly to achieve my expectations...asking which attribute was responsible for producing which trait...seeking to balance my desired attributes into one single bow. If the result was a recurve...fine. If it was a longbow...fine...and if it was a "cursed" compound...well...na, that wasn't an option because it broke my first requirement of simplicity (no gadgets that would require maintenance or adjustment).
I would actually prefer to see traditional archery 3-D competitions take the perspective of..."We are going to offer hunting type scenarios at our event (in the bush, on a game like trail, some moderate walking pace moving targets but no fast movements running, etc). Use what you want, do what you want...and may the best archer/bow win."
This is because I see the bow as a tool for hunting...and because I like simple reliability that performs.
As a result, I use a "modernized" longbow...that utilizes modern materials, reflex/deflex design, a long riser, modern epoxies, modern strings...and many things that are not "traditional longbow" concepts perhaps...yet in MY opinion, I do believe the final product has MUCH in common with and strongly resembles the traditional longbow...and that helps maintain quiet performance and excellent limb stability as well as the durable design that isn't easily damaged in adverse conditions...but with improvements/modifications in the areas that were responsible for some of the undesired traits I found among the old traditional longbows. Many of those modifications came from hybridizing some of the desired attributes responsible for the good aspects seen in the recurve (lack of handshock, improved efficiency, etc).
Before I recommend one or the other to someone...I ask, "What type of shooting do you do?" and "What do you need from your bow?"