Well the day started off slow, with a lone gobble in the next galaxy. I called for about 2 hours with no response, so I decided to try another spot.
Upon arrival at spot #2 I got out of my truck and took about ten steps when I spooked a lone hen from under a pine tree. As I neared the wood edge I let out a couple yelps and boom two birds, but they were still a ways off. I attempted to cut the distance in half, when I found a spot I let out a couple more yelps and the birds were now somehow back toward where I had started off.
I set a jake and a hen decoy out and found the best cover I could get, which wasn't good at all. I sat and called again and the birds were close. It only took about 2 minutes before I set eyes on the first one, a huge tom with a great bird in full strut. The second was a bit smaller, so I had my eyes on the bigger one that was showing off for the plastic decoy.
As the first bird cleared the brush, I could see it was the smaller one, and the bigger one was still strutting a bit behind. As I looked back at the smaller bird who was only about 15 yards away now, he was standing straight up looking right at me.
I then tried to stand to get a shot at the bigger bird behind the brush, and as quick as they came in they were gone, and I still had all my arrows in hand.
Well I guess I will try there in the am inside of a blind, hopefully with better luck.