I was just wondering how others were doing. I have'nt scored yet. I do have a couple of good stories though for your reading pleasure.
My hunting partner, Rodney and I went out opening morning and had gobbling all around us. Eventually a hen with 3 Jakes in tow came into view. When they spotted the dekes they errupted into a frenzy of gobbling making a beeline to our setup. Unfortunatley the hen followed. They got behind the dekes and gobbled again. Rodney and I started drawing back the bows when miss Hen spotted us and started a warning putt. The Jakes made an about face when we came to full draw and were starting lift off when we released. I missed mine with the arrow going just under it and Rodney missed with his arrow going just over his target. They were both clean misses but the coolest part was watching the arrows fly with the string trackers in tow. I wish I had video of it. Our plan actually worked but for one wary hen and a couple cases of Turkey Fever one of us would have scored.
This past Monday, feeling ill, I didn't make it to work and found myself in the woods. The Tom was hung up on a knoll I was very familiar with as I hunt this area all the time, gobbling like he just discovered his voice. I knew excactly where to go and what spot I was going to set up at. What I didn't know about was the herd of deer bedded down next to the trail. They jumped up snortin and jumping and running and crashing making all kinds of noise with no reguard to me and my plans. Picking myself up off the ground I made my way to a stone wall and sat down. Tried a couple soft clucks with no response. I cursed my bad luck and waited.
Sure enough I heard the Tom gobbling. First distant then closer. I made my way to one of the big pines, setup and made some soft clucks which got him hot again. He gobbled for 10 minutes (I checked the watch) just over the little knoll not 40 yds away but never showed himself. I decided to give a couple clucks. When I did I heard a noise to my left...THE DEER WERE BACK!
I counted 8 of them slowly walking towards me stomping the ground. The Tom is gobbling, the deer are stomping, my heart is doing a hundred. It was great! Then the wind shifted and all heck broke loose. The deer began blowing, jumping into the air, crashing through the woods and right over the knoll and towards the Tom. If he survived the stampede he probabley decided that whatever it was that caused the ruckus he wanted no part of and left with those dang deer for parts unknown.
Those are my tales of woe. Lots of excitment but no bird in the pot...yet. I'll be back at it on Saturday.
Good luck to everyone and stay safe!